Put on a song both of you like and watch your child move. As they dance, copy what they’re doing. When they stop, you dance around and let them watch you. See if you can create a back and forth dance, taking turns copying each other.
Author: Five Ones
Musical Music
Set your radio to a music station and have your child turn it off and on. Every time they turn it on, start to dance—or move around—and say “on.” When they turn it off, stop moving and say “off.” Soon they will probably say “off” and “on” with you.
Boogie Oogie Oogie
Your child may not be walking or talking yet, but with your help they can definitely boogie. So turn on some music and hold them as you dance around. When you sit down together, shake your arms to the music and see if they can do the same!
Bounce n’ Play
Does your baby love to bounce when you hold them on your lap? Bounce them up and down. Try going fast and slow as well as stopping and starting. How do they respond? Follow their lead and respond to their sounds and movements. Continue doing what they like best.
Reach and Play
Encourage your child to move and stretch. Put them on their tummy on a blanket on the floor and place a soft, safe object in front of them saying, “Here’s your soft bear!” Put it down just out of their reach. Talk about their efforts: “You’re working so hard to reach your toy!”
Changing Table Play
After changing your child’s diaper, roll their body from side to side on the changing surface. Stop and ask them, “Do you want more?” See how they respond. You can nod your head, saying, “You said yes, you want more!” or you can shake your head, saying, “You said no, you’re all done.”
Different Points of View
Show your child the world from different points of view. When they’re in your arms, crouch down low or gently lift them up in the air. Describe what you’re doing and respond to their reactions. “You’re as high as the light! Look what you can see up here!”
Laundry Play
Laundry day can be a great time for brain-building! Give your child some tummy time on different fabrics, like a sweater or a fluffy towel. Describe the textures to them like, “Do you feel the scratchy sweater?” Watch how they react to the way it feels and talk with them about it. Children learn through… Continue reading Laundry Play
Meal Planning
Involve your child in meal planning. Ask them to choose how to organize the meal. Can they do it by color or family favorites? For example, they could ask family members which dish is their favorite. Then help your child draw or write a menu based on everyone’s picks.
Begin Every Word with a Specific Letter
Use a letter, like B, to begin every word you say. Instead of “Hello, how are you?” say, “Bello, bow bar boo?” Encourage your child to use the same letter to begin the words of their response: “I am fine, how are you?” would become “Bye bam bine, bow bar boo?” How long can you… Continue reading Begin Every Word with a Specific Letter