Ask your child to pretend to be a statue and freeze in a pose, like standing on one foot. Try to have them hold this pose as long as possible while you do everything you can to make them laugh and move. Then you can take a turn as the statue and see if they… Continue reading Freeze Play
Author: Five Ones
Imaginary Play
Does your child like to pretend? Tell them there is an imaginary flower growing on their nose. Describe what it looks like. Then pretend to grab it! Now say there is a flower on their ear and grab it too. Have them describe and grab the flowers on you and enjoy the joke.
Hand Song
Use hand actions for your favorite rhyme or song, or make up your own. Face your child and hold their hands so they mirror you. Vary your tone of voice from high to low and use a big, expressive way of speaking or singing.
Copy Dance Moves
Let your child pick a fun, fast song to dance to. Ask them to make a dance move and then copy what they do. Take turns going back and forth copying each other’s dance moves.
Fast-Slow Race
Invite your child to have a “Fast-Slow Race.” Find a starting line and count out loud together, “one, two, three!”, then go! As you get going, call out “slow!” Can they adjust their speed? Give them a turn calling out “fast” or “slow.” How fast can you go? How slow?
Explore an Object
Ask your child to find an object like a stick or rock and place it on the ground near you. Encourage them to explore different ways of moving over it: Can they jump? Hop over on just one foot? Run and then jump? Take turns jumping with them and talk together about how far you… Continue reading Explore an Object
Try New Things
When they are playing, help your child do things they haven’t done before. Try out the swings or the slide at a playground, or even feel the different textures on the ground. As long as they’re safe, let them try new things, with a helping hand if they need it. How do they respond? Celebrate… Continue reading Try New Things
The Waiting Game
Make your waiting time fun! Ask your child, “Can you do this?” and hold your hands up very high and say, “Reach for the Sky!” Invite them to copy you. Next, put your hands behind your back and see if they copy you. Then take a turn and copy them.
Pretend Game
Is your child beginning to pretend? Then you can play the “Good Morning, Good Night” game! When you say, “Good night,” they can pretend to sleep by lying down and closing their eyes, and when you say, “Good morning,” they can get up and dance!
Hug Time
When it’s time for a hug, ask your child if they want a big hug or a little hug and then do what they ask. Then you take a turn and say whether you want a big or little hug. You can add other words, like a wiggly hug or a quiet hug.