Practice saying things in new ways with your child. Take turns saying something negative, then try to talk about the same thing positively. For example, “I don’t like loud noises” can become “I like quiet sounds.”
Author: Five Ones
Silly Handshake
Invent a super silly handshake for you and your child. Take turns adding a step (like shaking twice). Repeat it until you both have it down. Now change one of the steps. How do they respond? Go back and forth between the new and old way.
The Color Game
When you’re out with your child, team up with them to find colors. Have them point to something and name the color. Then you name all of the things you can think of that are the same color. Take turns playing this game.
School Day Challenge
Do you and your child have a daily challenge, like getting ready for school? Have them practice that challenge during playtime. You can say: “Let’s pretend we’re getting ready to go to school. What should we do first?” Talk about the steps if they need help remembering. “We eat our breakfast, pack our lunch, brush… Continue reading School Day Challenge
Cook Together
Keep your child engaged in dinner prep. Take turns measuring, pouring, and mixing. If they might spill, put the bowl in the sink so spilling is okay. Talk to them about what you’re doing and the ingredients you’re using. Encourage them to smell, touch (and taste!) as you go. Ask them what they notice.
Put Away Groceries Together
As you put groceries away, involve your child by saying something like, “The frozen food goes on the shelf,” or “I’m putting the paper towels in the refrigerator.” Do they catch your “mistake?” Encourage them to share with you their thinking: Where should those items go and why? Then let them take a turn trying… Continue reading Put Away Groceries Together
Special Helper
Invite your child to be the cleanup helper by giving them special jobs they can do. You can say, “Please help me find what needs to be washed in a washing machine.” Or “Can you help wipe down the table or sweep up the crumbs on the floor?”
Describing Food
Take turns with your child coming up with words that describe what they’re eating. If they have a carrot ask, “What does it look like?” They might say, “orange,” and you might say, “pointy.” Keep the conversation going with questions like, “What does it feel, smell, and taste like?” or “What does it sound like… Continue reading Describing Food
Sort Socks
Sorting the laundry? Encourage your child to help you find all of the socks and make a pile of them. Pick a sock and pretend it is a puppet looking for its matching friend. Celebrate when you find a match. Then let them take a turn as the puppet.
Help with Chores
Include your child in common chores. For example, start with, “It’s time to sweep! Can you hold the dustpan for me?” Then, let them dump the dirt into the trash. Don’t be surprised when they ask you to hold the dustpan for them. Go back and forth. Taking turns is how they learn best and… Continue reading Help with Chores