When you’re out with your child, talk about what you hear. It can be cars, birds, or sirens. Ask your child if they hear the sounds you do. Wait for them to listen. Touch your ears or theirs, or point to where the sound is. Then name another sound and wait for them to respond.… Continue reading What Sounds do You Hear?
Category: 6 Loving Habits
Shopping List Story
Going shopping? Make a shopping list and create a story together about the items on the list to remember them: “Once there was a dragon who … loved to eat carrots and slept on a can of soup.” At the store, encourage your child to retell the story and hunt for each item, checking it… Continue reading Shopping List Story
Talk About Why
Every child sometimes does something they should NOT do. Use this time to talk to them about WHY they should not have done it. Then ask them to draw a picture of what happened on a piece of paper. On the other side of the paper, have them draw what they could have done in… Continue reading Talk About Why
Talk About Tomorrow
Today’s the perfect time to talk to your child about tomorrow. Find out what they hope tomorrow has in store for them: “If you could do anything tomorrow, what would you most want to do?” Ask follow-up questions to stretch the moment. It’s a good way to learn about their hopes for the future.
Making Faces
Make a face that expresses a feeling. Ask your child to make a face that shows the opposite feeling. If you make a happy face, they should make a sad face. Chat about when they remember people making these faces. Take a selfie or draw a picture together with your goofiest faces to stretch the… Continue reading Making Faces
Point Out Letters
Encourage your child to point out letters on signs. Chat about the shapes of the letters. Is the letter A pointy like a triangle? What about the letter O? How many letters of the alphabet can you find? Enjoy describing their Letter Shapes.
More Stories
Your child probably enjoys listening to their favorite stories and songs over and over again. After singing or telling stories with them, ask if they want more. How do they respond? Do they nod or squirm away? Talk about their actions like, “You said yes!” or “You look like you’re all done.”
What do you hear
Pay attention to the sounds you’re hearing and talk about them with your child. “I hear a bird tweeting. Do you?” Try to find the bird. Do this with fire trucks or cars going “vroom!” Pay attention to what they are listening to and ask them, “What do you hear?”
Copy Sounds
As you dress your child, copy the sounds you hear them make, like “ah, eee, ooo, bee, dee.” How do they respond? As you make a sound, place their fingers on your lips so they can feel the vibrations and movements of your lips. Try different sounds as you do!
Make Funny Sounds
When you’re changing your child, make a funny sound. How do they respond? By smiling? Kicking their legs? Making a sound? Try a new sound and see what they do. Keep adding new ones to the mix!