Bath Time Story

Make up a story about someone who takes a bath just like your child. You can say things like, “First, they washed their hair,” while you wash their hair. Then add twist by saying, “Then they splashed in the water,” and see if they splash too.

Talk About What You See

While you’re with your child watch what catches their eye. Point to things you see and say what they are. “There’s a black bird and he’s flying!” or “The little girl is jumping.” Watch where they’re looking and say what it is.

Picture Conversations

Share a picture in a book, magazine, or news article with your child. Be sure to point at what you’re looking at and chat about it. For example, “Look at the blue shirt the lady is wearing—I have one too!” Or, “This is a picture of diapers, like the ones you wear.” Let them pick the next… Continue reading Picture Conversations

Using words IN and OUT

Invite your child to help you gather dirty clothes. Put them IN the laundry basket, pull them OUT. Then put them IN the machine, and pull them OUT. Use the words IN and OUT to describe your actions and see how they learn these ideas!

Describe foods you eat

What are all of the words you can use to describe the food your child is eating? Is the banana mushy, squishy, or slippery? Are the eggs warm, crumbly, and soft? Point as you say the words and watch them respond and reply back to them.

How to Stay Engaged with GIFT CONNECT: Exploring the Birth to Three Movement

How have you engaged with your little one(s) this past year? What would you do the same or different? Let today be the day you start exploring the power of the Birth to Three Movement and GIFT CONNECT’s mission. It can truly play an instrumental role in your child’s development.  How to Learn More about… Continue reading How to Stay Engaged with GIFT CONNECT: Exploring the Birth to Three Movement

Categorized as News

GIFT CONNECT’s Vision for a Literate Future: Celebrating International Literacy Day

Did you know there is a day that celebrates the importance of literacy? September 8th marks International Literacy Day, founded by UNESCO. This idea was brought forward at the “World Conference of Ministers of Education on the Eradication of Illiteracy” in Tehran, Iran, in 1965, to create a global movement to end illiteracy.  In 1965,… Continue reading GIFT CONNECT’s Vision for a Literate Future: Celebrating International Literacy Day

Categorized as News, Reading

New Edutainment Song for Early Childhood Development is Live!

“My Baby” is live!  Following the success of the Abujubuju Baby Song, which currently has over 260,000 views on YouTube, we are proud to announce our next Edutainment song in Kenya: My Baby. Through our Edutainment songs, Global Ambassador Stellar Mengele, shares the importance of the Six Loving Habits – speak, sing, read, play, count… Continue reading New Edutainment Song for Early Childhood Development is Live!

Categorized as News, Reading

The Power of Reading: Empowering Lifelong Learning from Birth to Three

It’s true that the digital era has changed the way we read, but that shouldn’t stop us from reading a good old-fashioned paperback or hardcover book. Reading, especially from Birth to Three, is transformative and crucial. In fact, by the third birthday, a baby needs to be spoken to, sung to, or read to some… Continue reading The Power of Reading: Empowering Lifelong Learning from Birth to Three

New in April from Gift Connect: Advocacy & Advisory Board, YouTube Channel, Bee Smart Program, Carnegie Lullaby in Kenya, & More

Advisory & Advocacy Board GIFT CONNECT’s Advisory and Advocacy Board continues to grow! We are so excited and grateful to welcome the below members. To increase GIFT CONNECT’s reach and measurable impact in Birth to Three and Early Childhood Development (ECD), we are engaging and activating proven, bipartisan ECD leaders on a new, working Advisory… Continue reading New in April from Gift Connect: Advocacy & Advisory Board, YouTube Channel, Bee Smart Program, Carnegie Lullaby in Kenya, & More