New Year, New Website
Happy 2024! We’re starting off the New Year with a brand new website.
The updated site features refreshed navigation that simplifies our mission into “Who We Are” and “What We Do” alongside sections on “Resources” and how to “Get Involved.”
GIFT CONNECT is also introducing a blog as a new way to dive into specific subjects that are relevant to the Birth to Three mission as well as a “Tools” section which features brain building practices from our partners at Vroom.
Take a look at the brand-new and explore the updates!
Bee Smart Program
GIFT CONNECT’s newest program, Bee Smart, is visiting 450+ licensed childcare centers across Delaware in cooperation with the Delaware Division of Libraries. This allows us to spread the word on how to participate in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, where families receive free, age-appropriate books from children from birth to five years old in the mail each month.
Families are also given information on joining our mailing list to receive monthly tips on engaging with your child from Vroom and the Bee Smart newsletter with early childhood resources and tips from GIFT CONNECT.
At the same time, we are developing a comprehensive database on services in Delaware for parents with children from infancy to three years old. This will enable GIFT CONNECT to monitor and implement changes to early childhood care in daycare settings.

Help us test “Sammie,” our new Personal Parenting Assistant: Text “GIFT“ to 302-570-2322
In an exciting development that promises to reshape the landscape of early childhood development, the “Ask Sammie” project harnesses cutting-edge technology to offer personalized assistance and vital resources to parents and caregivers. GIFT CONNECT joined forces with the Murray Utah Coalition and Murray Partners 4 Prevention in Utah to serve as a pilot program that aims to empower families with the tools and knowledge necessary for nurturing the next generation. |
Once you‘ve tried it out, pass it along to someone you know who could use a personal parenting assistant! |
Connect Conversations
Want to learn why birth to three is so important and how to build your child’s brain capacity? From experts in science, policy, and programming, CONNECT Conversations is the podcast for all things birth to three.

“The science of early brain development illustrates that child development – particularly for birth to five years – is a foundation for a prosperous and sustainable society.”
– Jack P. Shonkoff, The Council for Early Childhood Development, Harvard