After you change your child, puff up your cheeks like a blowfish and then place their feet on your cheeks to push the air out till you go “pop!” What other sounds or faces can you make together—like sticking out your tongue? Can they copy some of these?
Category: Play with
Guess the family member
Ask your child to think of a family member or friend without telling you who. Have them give you hints until you guess who the mystery person is. Then it’s your turn to pick a person and their turn to guess.
Play Store
Encourage your child to set up a store at home using items from around the house. Once the shelves are stocked, they can pretend to go shopping. Help them make a shopping list and find a bag or basket. You can be the cashier. Talk with them about what they’re shopping for. Then switch. You… Continue reading Play Store
Create a short story
Come up with a short story for your child to act out. Say something like, “There once was a child who loved to climb trees,” and encourage them to pretend to climb. Add on to the story with more actions. See how creative you can get. Let them have a turn to tell a story… Continue reading Create a short story
Clap and Freeze
Clap your hands and ask your child to stop and freeze in a pose when you stop clapping. When you begin clapping again, they should move, then stop in a different pose when the clapping stops. First, clap slowly. Then get faster so they have to keep changing poses. Take turns, letting them be the… Continue reading Clap and Freeze
The Pretend Game
Play a game where you pretend to be an animal, object, or someone you both know. See if your child can guess who or what you are. Clues like sound effects or movements are helpful. When your child guesses, have them take a turn and you guess. Enjoy!
Build a Maze
Work together to build a maze. You can use things like chairs, tables, pillows, or whatever is handy. Then sing or play music while your child walk’s through the maze. When the music stops, they should stop. See if they can move to the music when it gets faster and slower.
Dance Party
Playtime can become a dance party. Turn on some music, sing, or hum, and start doing a silly dance: shake a leg, wiggle your hips. Can your child copy your moves? Next song, it’s their turn to lead. Go back and forth until you’re danced out!
Animal Adventure
Turn your living room into an “Animal Adventure.” Make an animal noise. Can your child guess the name of the animal? Can they copy the sound back? Now it’s their turn to make a sound for you to guess. See how many times you can go back and forth: “Woofff! Hissssss! Rooarr!”
Pretend Play
What can you find in your house to play pretend with your child? Offer them clothes, blankets, empty boxes, or clean and safe kitchen objects to use. Follow their lead and see where it takes you. If you need to, you can give them ideas like, “Should we build a boat or pretend to cook… Continue reading Pretend Play