Mealtime Melodies

As you feed your child, sing softly and watch how they respond. If they like it, smile and sing even more. If they make some sounds when responding to you, add their sounds to your song so you can make “Mealtime Melodies” together.

Sing about laundry

When you’re doing laundry, sing every step: putting in detergent, closing the door, folding the clothes, etc. Watch your child and copy the sounds they make so you can create a song together. This is fun and puts a new spin on this chore.

Diaper song

When you’re changing your child’s diaper, sing about what you’re doing. Watch them and copy the sounds they make so you can create a song together. Your song plus their sounds can become your own “Diaper Song” for changing time!

Talk about how you eat

When you’re having a snack, talk with your child about what you’re doing. “When I bite an apple, it makes a crunch sound. When you have teeth, you’ll eat apples too.” If they respond or reach for it and it is safe, let them touch it. “It feels smooth, doesn’t it?”

Hide and seek

Talk with your child as you move around the room, telling them, “Here I am!” Do they move their eyes? Turn or lift their head to look for you? When they find you, give them a big smile, again saying, “Here I am!”

Object sounds

Choose a few objects that make noise: keys, phone ringer, musical toy, etc. Show your child each object and then make the sound. Tell them the object’s name and what it does. When they respond, do another sound. Go back and forth. See which one they like best.

Figure out where the sound is

Play with your child by using your voice and/or handy things that make a sound. Bang a pan or hum as you move around. Watch them move their head to follow the sound. Smile and talk with them when they figure out where the sound is coming from.

Safe toys

Before you go out, grab some safe things for your child to play with and put them in a bag. While you’re waiting, reach into the bag and talk about what you find. “This is something for you to chew on. Here’s a rattle for you to hold. Let’s shake it!”

Sound off

Turn waiting into a “Sound Off.” Make different sounds like a whisper, peep, ding, or roar. Pause after each sound so your child can respond. Do they smile? Look at you? Make a sound themself? Try a new sound. Keep going back and forth!

What’s happening at the park?

When out at a place like a park, look for the big kids. Sit your child on your lap or move yourselves so you can watch them together and talk about what you’re seeing. “Those kids are playing hide-and-seek like you will one day!”