Going out? Grab a container and see what you and your child find that’s safe to pick up. Do you see some rocks to bring home and decorate? Do you see some leaves to glue into a collage? Do you see a bug to watch before you let it go? Continue watching and talking about… Continue reading Nature Picking
Category: 6 Loving Habits
Grocery Shopping Conversation
When you’re grocery shopping with your child, hand them some of the items before you put them into the cart. As they check each out, tell them its name and talk about what you plan to use it for. Make sure it’s a conversation, where they’re adding their ideas!
Microphone Fun
Waiting is a part of life. Do you wait in line at the store, at a doctor’s office, or for a ride? While you’re waiting, pretend you’re a newscaster. Using your pretend microphone, ask your child questions: “What do you see? Who else is here? What do you think is going to happen next?”
Turn chores into fun
When you have a sink full of dishes, turn the chore into something fun. As you scrub, ask your child to talk about the shapes of each dish. “What else is round like this bowl?” Have a conversation around their response. Remember, there are no wrong answers!
Ask questions about stories
When you’re reading or telling a story to your child at bedtime, ask them questions about the story. Pause the story and ask: “What do you think will happen next? How do you think the character feels? What would you do if that happened to you?”
Object Fun
Choose an object in your home, like a used paper towel roll, and challenge your child to see how many different ways they can use it. It can be a telescope, a tunnel for something small, or a musical instrument like a horn. What other items can they find around the house to explore? Take… Continue reading Object Fun
Shared Story
Start telling a story with your child: “Once upon a time there was a beautiful person who lived in a castle.” Ask them, “What do you think this person did today?” They might say, “She played!” You continue, “What did she play with?” Keep the story going based on their responses.
Empty vs. Full
Give your child two plastic tubs or old boxes and ask them to choose safe things like toys or spoons to put inside. Ask questions about more and less, empty and full. You can say, “I wonder which box has more spoons? How can we find out?” See what ideas they come up with!
Counting crackers
Are you eating crackers or other food like that? Ask your child how many they want. Give them that amount and say, “Eat one. How many are left?” Count together, encouraging them to count out loud. Then you take a turn. Continue this game until the crackers are all gone.
Bath time songs
During bathtime sing your child’s favorite songs. You can make up your own song about what’s happening in the bath too. Are they pouring water from a cup, or pretending with a toy? Encourage them to sing their own song and respond to them.