Sing to Soothe

When your child seems fussy, try singing a rhyme or a song. Do they calm down when your voice is quiet, or do they respond to big facial expressions and an enthusiastic voice? Try different rhymes and songs to find their favorites.

Experience Singing

There are things we do every day. Sing the same songs at those moments to explain what you’re doing with your child. Examples could be leaving a room, finishing eating, or washing hands. What else do you do daily that you could sing about?

Dance Together

Play, sing, or hum a slow song and hold your child while you dance together. How do they respond to the feeling of dancing? What about the sound of the music? Respond to what they do. Laugh if they laugh! Enjoy this special moment.

Cleaning Song

Cleanup time can be a learning time if you sing about it with your child. “This is the way, we clean the house, so early in the morning.” If they respond with sounds, use them in your song. “(Your child’s name) says, ba, ba, ba, so early in the morning.”

Tap Along to the Beat

When your child is on their back, gently pat their tummy. Sing a favorite song and tap along to the beat on your baby’s tummy. Try patting fast and slow. Do they smile or kick? Keep going as long as they seem to be having fun.

Use hand actions with your favorite song

Use hand actions for your favorite rhyme or song, or make up your own. Face your child and hold their hands so they mirror you. Vary your tone of voice from high to low and use a big, expressive way of speaking or singing.

Sing simple songs with repetition

Help your child recognize patterns and familiar words by singing simple songs with lots of repetition or rhymes. Can’t remember one? Make up you own! Encourage them to join in by repeating the words or by adding their own ideas.

Create a Rhyme or a Rap

During meal or snacktime, create a rhyme or a rap about what your child is eating: “No slice, no dice, we eat rice!” or “You’re no rookie, eating your cookie.” They’ll enjoy the sound of the words and if they respond, make rhymes from their words too.